
[Free webinar] Coping strategies for new cosmetic ingredients entering the Chinese market

Time:2022-03-08 Source:CNCIC

CNCIC presents a webinar series on the changes and countermeasures of China regulations in different industries. The new cosmetics management regulations and supporting documents have been implemented for a year in China. Some new cosmetic ingredients also belong to new chemical substances because they are not listed in Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China (IECSC). How should oversea companies enter the Chinese market to deal with these regulations? We will share our experience on this free webinar.

  • Date and Time

    March 31st 2022

    CET 9:00 am-10:30 am (UTC+8 16:00-17:30)

  • Host


  • Main Contents

    9:00 am.-9:30 am. New Cosmetics Ingredients Regulations and Strategies

    What is a new cosmetic ingredient?

    How do overseas companies register an account on NMPA portal?

    What are the requirements for submitting ingredient safety related information?

    How to respond to animal testing data requests?

    What are the requirements and record of new cosmetic ingredients?

    9:30 am.-10:00 am. New Chemical Substances Registration Strategies

    Scope and Definition of New Chemical Substances

    What are the types of registration?

    What are the registration information and data requirements?

    Registration process

    10:00 am.-10:30 am. Q&A

  • Language:English

  • Registration fees:Complimentary

  • Speaker


Registration link: