
Technical guidelines for eco-environmental health risk assessment —General principles(HJ 1111—2020)released

Time:2020-03-26 Source:CNCIC

Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment released the standard of " Technical guidelines for eco-environmental health risk assessment - General principles " (HJ

1111-2020), which is implemented from March 18, 2020.

On April 19, 2019, a draft version of this standard "General Guidelines for Technical Guidelines for Environmental Health Risk Assessment" was released. After nearly a year of

revision and review, a formal version was released.

As a general guiding document of a standard system of ecological environment health risk assessment, the "General principle" specifies the general procedures, contents,

methods and technical requirements of ecological environment health risk assessment, and guides the development and revision of technical methods for ecological

environment health risk assessment in various application areas. It is of great significance to improve the standardization and refinement of China's ecological environment


The "General principle" is divided into 10 chapters, which are the scope of application, normative references, terms and definitions, general principles, plan formulation, hazard

identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment, risk characterization, and report preparation. Compared with the draft version, there is no change in the

hierarchical framework except for the update of the terms of "hazard characterization" and "dose-response assessment". However, many detailed revisions and requirements in

the standards, have more guiding significance for enterprises and relevant government departments.

CNCIC experts suggest that enterprises should formulate an assessment plan in accordance with the requirements of the “General principle” when compiling eco-

environmental health risk assessment reports, follow the steps of hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure evaluation, and risk characterization, and pay attention

to data collection and data quality evaluation. When necessary, model and analyze the hazard characterization and exposure scenarios to obtain scientific assessment


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