
Notice of the State Administration of Market Supervision on the "Food Label Supervision and Management Measures (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)"

Time:2019-12-02 Source:State Administration of market supervision
In order to standardize the marking of food labels, comprehensively implement laws and regulations such as the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Implementing Regulations of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China to strengthen food label supervision and management, the General Administration of Market Supervision has drafted the "Food Label Supervision and Management Measures (Draft for Soliciting Opinions) "is now open to the public for comments. All relevant units or individuals are welcome to submit comments and feedback to the General Administration of Market Supervision before December 20, 2019. The public can submit comments through the following channels and methods:

1. Log in to the Chinese Government's Legal Information Network (website:, enter the "Legislative Opinion Collection" section of the main menu on the homepage, and make comments.
2. Email the comments to:, please indicate "The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Labeling (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)" in the subject of the email.
3. Send your comments by letter to: No. 8 Sanlihe East Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, Food Production Department of the General Administration of Market Supervision (Postal Code: 100820), and please indicate on the envelopeFood Label Supervision and Management Measures (Draft for Soliciting Opinions) public opinions
" .
State Administration of Market Supervision